Hello Nobody,
I'm The Noah, and this is my blog
where I write things No(ah)body cares about. I bought noahbodycares.com too, if
you’d like to bookmark that page. My brother Nicolas and I are still working on
the page, but I think it looks cool thus far.
Look at All These Fonts.
Brie Larson what a
is the lead actor (or actress if you prefer) in the latest Marvel Studios film CAPTAIN
MARVEL. According to a lot of random people on the internet, she is a radical
feminist (I haven’t looked up any of her opinions on things because I don’t
really care what a random actor thinks about complex issues that barely affect
them), but a lot of young men on the internet seem to really care. The film has
been bombarded with negative reviews since the review pages opened, some by anti-feminists
who haven’t even seen the movie. Everyone agrees that this is disgusting,
regressive, anti-woman conduct…………………… and I agree…………… but I want to talk
about where these young men are coming from.
PART 1: In Defense of The Indefensible I Guess?