Tuesday, February 12, 2019

This ONE trick got my blood pressure from 135 down to 26!

THAT'S RIGHT. I'm going to use the Georgia font for this one! (that's the last default font on blogger. I mean, I could always download more fonts or move the blog over to a better website, but that would require effort.)

... I'm The Noah and this is Noahbody [space] Cares [Capital N Capital C] Let's go!

I'm currently studying for an econ test, so this post might be a little... horrible. Idk. A bunch of people have been clicking through to my blog lately so I'm just going to stuff the tags and throw on a click bait title on it. I'm not sorry. My BP is fine. I'm going to write about how school is going, while I study for this Principles of Macroeconomics test. 

This semester I'm taking a fair amount of hours: Mechanics of Solids, Mechanics of Solids Lab, Dynamics, Honors English Comp 2, Principles of Macroeconomics, and Intro to Electrical Systems... Class names are the worse! They're so boring. The course number like EH - 102 is all you need to be technical, so why don't professors spice up their display names and give their class titles a little pizzazz? I'm not talking about preposterous levels of tomfoolery, but a little bit of class naming antics never killed anyone

I just think academia is a bit too formal. We're just a bunch of broke barely-adults trying to figure out how to manage a budget while theoretically learning how to get a job from people who don't have one because realized they could make more money teaching us. (I know nobody is reading this, but if anyone who accidentally clicked on this happens to be a teacher, I'm being comically hyperbolic. I'm a hyperbaholic. Your job is important, and it's just as "real" as any other job... but I do think much of academia could stand to lighten up a bit and stop acting like they are some kind of elite class. If that sounds like a dig on teachers, it's really not. I think most people could stand to take their field, title, rank, etc. a little less seriously. It's okay to have fun AND be a respected professional, and most of us Gen Z people will respect you EVEN MORE if you're down to Earth and act like a human in my opinion.)

That was a long rant. Sorry Nobody. Now, back to the topic you clicked for (or the topic I promised you after I lied to you to get you to click... whatever!). Let's try this again. Hi! I'm The Noah. I'm a sophomore Mechanical Engineering major, and right now I'm taking How Stuff Breaks Part I Mechanics of Solids, Breaking Stuff Lab Mechanics of Solids Lab, Physics With Acceleration Shenanigans Dynamics, 18 Hours of Classtime for 6 Hours of Writing: Attendance Mandatory English Comp 2, Everyone Else's Personal Finance Macroeconomics, and Baby Circuits Intro to Electrical Systems (All the Electrical Engineers call our EE 312 class that anyway, so they might as well make it the official name.)

Anyway. Half of those were jokes, but I seriously do think class names are a great way to attract people to your class. I took an intro to design seminar my freshman year mostly because it was called "How to Give People What they Want and Get Paid for It." My coding class was called "Math Tools for Engineer Problem Solving" I don't know what the logistics of giving every class cool names are, and I don't actually think English Comp should be called anything else, but I would wager a LOT of courses could easily be given more fun names but aren't because some higher-up dingus thinks it would be too improper.

You could even make use a colon or hyphen. I mean, which classes would you rather take:
Thermodynamics I
Thermodynamics: Hot Physics

Physics III - ma = zero

Developmental Psychology
Psychology II: How Brains Grow and Why it Matters!

Intro to the Principles of Microeconomics
What Makes Money so Dang Expensive?

Also, I think instead of the math courses ascending like 
calculus 2, 
calculus 3, 
and on and on. 

The name should reflect the material you are learning in the class. So here's my humble proposal:
Shapey Maths, 
Intro to Equation Wizardry, 
Shapey Maths 2 With Triangles,  
Looking at Slopes,
Messing With Slopes,
Differentiation and Slopey Hi-jinx,

This would cost literally no one anything, because the course number would already give away what the classes are before the student even sees the course description.

If you want more advice people of the university you've got my student number.

Anyway, onto the main point of this blog post. That's right, all of that was a tangent. This blog post is about how my classes are going...

Classes are going fine. I finished studying for Macro.

Thanks for reading. Have a good week!
~ THE Noah

So far no one has solved the puzzle I made in my last post, so check that out if you want that $10 prize. I just realized that by including a prize, I may have disincentivised teamwork, which is my bad. If you form teams and work together I'll work out the prize splitting hanky-panky I'll figure something out and maybe the prize will get bigger. No promises. I still don't have a job. Anyway. Good luck!


  1. Lol "Shapey Maths, Intro to Equation Wizardry, Shapey Maths 2 With Triangles, Looking at Slopes,Messing With Slopes, Differentiation and Slopey Hi-jinx" I think those would leave me more confused than actual math ;)

    1. I always leave this blog witha smile and a LOT of questions.


Thoughts or whatever?