Monday, July 4, 2016

Most Partiotic Blog Ever!

Happy AMERICA Day! Celebrating our God given right to blow stuff up!

Okay, It's July the Fourth and I'm honestly proud to be flag waving, bacon burger eating 'Mercan. But I've noticed that a lot of my fellow Americans think of this beautiful land as less than the greatest country on Earth. That makes no sense to me!

Conservatives tend to talk about the country the way we would talk about a really nice cruise ship that's on fire... It was really nice at one time, but now the whole thing is going down and there isn't much we can do about it. A lot of people around here are proud of America's history, but not our present.

On the other hand, a lot of liberals are proud of the country right now, but ashamed of our past. They point to slavery, sexism, and religious intolerance as proof that our country just isn't as great as some of the glorious lands of "Non-America"

First of all, I think we have a lot to be proud of right now! In America, our poorest are wealthier here than anywhere else, we have more freedoms than any other country, and we have done more to protect our equality of rights for everyone than any other country has.

As for our shameful history of slavery and intolerance, they rest of the world was made up of sexist slave owners too! Vermont was the first Sovereign State to abolish slavery IN THE WORLD in 1777! We had to fight a war that tore our country apart, but by 1862, slavery was completely abolished, despite the difficulties it caused to our economy. We were the twelfth country to give women voting rights (years ahead of Britain, Ireland, Spain, or France.) We've give more aid to other countries than anyone else in the world!

America hasn't always been perfect, and the system today is still pretty flawed. But it has still been BETTER THAN EVERYWHERE ELSE!

Happy 4th!

Thanks for commenting and sharing!

-  The Noah


  1. Very astute. But most people disagree with letting facts intrude on their opinions.

  2. I'm proud of you and proud to be an American! We can learn from our past but we can't rewrite it like it never happened. You are Epic!


Thoughts or whatever?