Saturday, July 2, 2016

100,000 lbs of Vulcan

Sorry for no posts in a couple days, I've been having some trouble with my computer...

Anyway, Yesterday, I went to see the VULCAN (You know? The big cast iron monument that people visiting from out of state always visit and locals visit maybe once then forget it's there.)  Anyway it's the largest cast-iron statue in the world (that's a surprisingly specific world record but I'm still proud of Alabama for it) and it really got me thinking about the unquantifiable.

The statue is 100,000 lbs. of pure iron, and throughout my day, I kept trying to imagine myself lifting something that weighs 100,000 lbs. I just can't wrap my head around a number that large, so I tried to break it up.

100,000 lbs. is the same as 50 tons. That's a smaller number, but it doesn't mean much to me, so we'll have to try something else.

100,000 lbs. is also about the weight of 30 midsized cars with overweight drivers

I love the Internet, because I found a picture of exactly 30 cars:
Still having a hard time wrapping my head around picking up a street load of cars. Let me try a new angle....

100,000 lbs. is the weight of an 18-wheeler, semi truck loaded with the maximum legal limit of microwavable bacon plus 73 liters of marshmallows (Okay, that didn't help at all, and anyone who reads my Google history will be really confused).

I guess I can't imagine what 100,000 lbs. feels like, and that's kind of like God's love. When we talk about God in worldly terms (for example: He is a loving father, a perfect Judge, the highest King, etc.), we are only speaking in analogy. We can't wrap our heads around God because He CREATED us; we didn't create Him. God's love is so amazing, He gave us the ability to worship Him or hurt Him, fully knowing we would all choose the latter before a few chose to worship Him. He then sent His OWN SON to die in our place so that we could be with Him without owing any debt for our crimes. Just for good measure, God inspired the Bible, guided its preservation, then sent His spirit to live in each of us, to guide us down the paths which are both righteous and beneficial.

God's love is bigger than a 100,000 lb. statue, and although I can't understand it, but I can admire it.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

- The Noah


  1. Noah, This is another great post!! You amaze me...

  2. Your entertaining insight amazes me. I love your blog and hope you keep us all more informed and entertained.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I did something similar when I was studying Revelation this year. In Chapter 6 it says a 1/4 of the world will die in the 4th Seal. So the population of USA is approx 325 Million. So if we had our fair share it would be about 81+ Million. So if you add greater New York, greater Chicago, and greater LosAngles you get to about 41 Million. Hard to comprehend that kind of devastation.

  5. Wow that's a lot of math. And it wasn't even close to an approximation of how much God loves each of us. :) I love how your mind works.


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