Monday, September 30, 2019

Mario Kart Tour

Hello fellow epic gamers,

My name is The Noah, and this is my blog.

Specifically, this is my review of Mario Kart Tour.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

About Federal Holidays...

Happy Fourth friends,

American for reference

It's Independence Day, which is one of the 10 Federal Holidays. I've always been confused about federal holidays, because in my mind the ranking of most important holidays is something like:

1. Christmas
2. Easter
3. Thanksgiving
4. The Fourth of July
5. Halloween (which might be higher on your list if you're a child, like the horror genre, or have friends to party with)
6. New Year's Eve
7. Mother's Day and Father's Day equally... in that order.
8. Valentines Day (which might be higher on your list if like you're not allergic to red food dye)

Monday, May 6, 2019

A mini-post salad


I'm The Noah. This *gestures around my blog* is my blog.

I write a lot of blog posts nobody reads because my blog is rubbish, and even more blog posts that nobody reads because I don't finish them or finish them and don't post them.

I want to try a few of the topics that felt like they were worth a full blog post but turned out to be like a paragraph, so this one's going to be a quilt of little mini blog post topics. A blog hodgepodge of sorts. A cocktail of sorts. An agglomeration of sorts. A little blog post salad for your reading eyes to taste. 

Feel free to read all, some, or none of them depending on whether the titles tickle your fancy. My fancy was certainly wouldn't be tickled by any of them, so there's no judgement from me if you skip a few.

Is this a salad? What is meaning?

Monday, April 22, 2019

Water Is Wet? (feat. a rant about personality types)

Alternative title: The Noah Takes 1300 Words to Argue Nothing About Nothing to Nobody

Hey! My name’s The Noah and THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS is Noahbody Cares, the blog in which I discuss that about which Nobody cares... about... on my blog.
Thanks for reading Nobody.

In my friend group at university, there are only about 2 topics of conversation that come up every day: enneagram-like personality tests and whether or not water is wet.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The State of Feminism, Marvel Movies, and Fanboidom

Hello Nobody,

I'm The Noah, and this is my blog where I write things No(ah)body cares about. I bought too, if you’d like to bookmark that page. My brother Nicolas and I are still working on the page, but I think it looks cool thus far.
Look at All These Fonts.

Brie Larson what a transition, is the lead actor (or actress if you prefer) in the latest Marvel Studios film CAPTAIN MARVEL. According to a lot of random people on the internet, she is a radical feminist (I haven’t looked up any of her opinions on things because I don’t really care what a random actor thinks about complex issues that barely affect them), but a lot of young men on the internet seem to really care. The film has been bombarded with negative reviews since the review pages opened, some by anti-feminists who haven’t even seen the movie. Everyone agrees that this is disgusting, regressive, anti-woman conduct…………………… and I agree…………… but I want to talk about where these young men are coming from.

PART 1: In Defense of The Indefensible I Guess?

Monday, February 18, 2019

Hating Puns Doesn't Make You Smart


I'm The Noah and this is The Noahbody Cares, the blog where I write things Nobody cares about. Oak-kay, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you are currently having one of tree reactions: 1. I wonder where this post is going? 2. Wait, why are there tree puns suddenly? or 3. OH MY GOSH STOP MAKING PUNS!!!! PUNS! ARE! NOT! FUNNY!

If you hate puns please read on.
They aren't all jokes like this.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

This ONE trick got my blood pressure from 135 down to 26!

THAT'S RIGHT. I'm going to use the Georgia font for this one! (that's the last default font on blogger. I mean, I could always download more fonts or move the blog over to a better website, but that would require effort.)

... I'm The Noah and this is Noahbody [space] Cares [Capital N Capital C] Let's go!