Monday, May 6, 2019

A mini-post salad


I'm The Noah. This *gestures around my blog* is my blog.

I write a lot of blog posts nobody reads because my blog is rubbish, and even more blog posts that nobody reads because I don't finish them or finish them and don't post them.

I want to try a few of the topics that felt like they were worth a full blog post but turned out to be like a paragraph, so this one's going to be a quilt of little mini blog post topics. A blog hodgepodge of sorts. A cocktail of sorts. An agglomeration of sorts. A little blog post salad for your reading eyes to taste. 

Feel free to read all, some, or none of them depending on whether the titles tickle your fancy. My fancy was certainly wouldn't be tickled by any of them, so there's no judgement from me if you skip a few.

Is this a salad? What is meaning?