Friday, July 21, 2017

 I'm The Noah, and this is NOAHBODY CARES the YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!

 I made a video covering the story that spans across 16 Blockbuster films. The MCU exists on a scale unlike anything we've seen in film history. Above is a link to my breakdown of the entire history of the MARVEL cinematic universe in under 6 minutes.

 It's my first attempt at any sort of animation, so please subscribe. If you like vague promises of more content similar to this then I can deliver!... those promises, not necessarily more animations like that. Whatever stuff I make, it'll be in my unique overly analytical, satirical, nerdy style.

 - - I'm thinking about doing a history of the DCEU vid or more in depth breakdowns of the multi-movie character arcs in Marvel movies. I'm also working on some video essays and song breakdowns in the meantime. What do you think I should make more of? - -

 I value your feedback and suggestions bc I have no real idea where I want to take this channel, but I want to take it places and create things I'll be proud of! (Proud of which I'll be? Of which I'll be proud? That still sounds wrong...) Anyway, watch the video and subscribe and stuff! I'll create more things soon!

 Catch ya later,

-THE Noah

Thursday, June 22, 2017

On God and rocks and such

Can God make a rock so big he can't pick it up?

Also, Hey everyone! I'm The Noah and THIS is Noahbody Cares!

But seriously, can God make a rock so heavy he can't lift it?

If He can't, then it would seem that God isn't omniscient (all-powerful) right? Because there is a thing that He can't do.
If He can, then it would seem that God isn't omniscient because there is a rock that could be imagined that He can't lift.

Unrelated Meme. Lol.
It's a paradox (something that seems to be self-contradicting, but seems like it has to be possible). And I HATE PARADOXES!

They drive overanalyzers like me CRAZY! The other day my friend asked me this question and followed it up with "I don't know if this is Blasphemy (offensively challenging or lying about God), but if God actually ISN'T omniscient, it does solve a lot of paradoxes." That proposal isn't original, but it does worry me. I've always been told not to put God in a box......... SO LET'S DO IT!

Let's talk about God's relationship with big rocks!

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." - God made the big rock I'm standing on right now (the Earth) and all the way crazier huge rocks in space (the Heavens).

It also seems to me like God created SPACE AND TIME; how else can there be "THE beginning"?

God seems pretty much more powerful than all those rocks, but let's see if there are some limitations on him later on...

Joshua 10:12-15 (Look it up... I'm serious. You literally have a computer in your hands right now, why haven't you opened another tab yet?) If these verses are taken at face value, which I personally believe they should be, then God has complete power over gravity. A few thousand years ago, people thought all you had to do to make the sun and moon stand still in the sky would be stop the SUN. But now we know the Earth is rotating and spinning around the Sun. The Sun is a tiny speck spinning around the HUGE star at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. And this WHOLE GALAXY and all the other galaxies are spinning around something so far away and so huge we have NO IDEA WHAT IT IS! God froze all of it, Black holes the density of ten billion suns, supernovas, galaxies, etc. for several hours. Then he just started it back moving again

In Matthew 4:3 The Devil tells Jesus to turn some rocks into bread which would totally break the conservative law of energy since bread has WAY more calories than rocks (77 cal per gram vs 4 cal per gram.) And in Matthew 14 Jesus definitely breaks the conservative law of mass and engery when he feeds 5000 people with a fistful of bread.

In the rest of the Bible God parts oceans, heals illnesses in an instant, forgives sins, raises the dead and walks on water. I'm pretty sure there isn't a rock God can't lift!

 So what's the answer to the question? Can God make a rock so big he can't pick it up?
I don't have a problem with saying no. The idea that such a rock could exist puts a limit on how much God can lift. As humans, we can move words around to make sentences that start with "GOD CAN'T" but don't limit Him. Like "God can't make a mistake" "God can't forget about promises He made" "God can't be worse than me at Chess" etc. etc. If God COULD make mistakes, back out of a deal, or be outsmarted by me, THAT would limit His amazing power.

So no. God can't make a rock too big for Him to pick up............ Or maybe He can. I have no idea.

Just remember GOD doesn't fit in your box... And He ROCKS!
This was all building up to that pun. Hope it was worth it. Thanks for sticking around. :0)

  - The Noah

Friday, May 26, 2017


Laundry List
Everyone: "What will you do in your future?"
Me: Start blogging again I guess

"Hey Everyone!"
I said, not knowing who everyone was, but hoping someone hadn't unfollowed his blog in the last 10 quiet months. 

I'm not even going to apologize for not posting or make up some excuse or anything. I'm just lazy!

Actually school, and working 30-40 hrs a week, and also school. I lied about not making excuses. I've got a laundry list of them (see reference image)! I took college calculus and chemistry courses, and saved up enough money to not have to work while I'm studying mechanical engineering at UAB.

...But mostly I didn't post because I'm lazy.

Image result for graduation caps
Graduation for Reference
Anyway, that high-schooler Noah, not the mature alumni Noah that stands before you today (or... writes before you today?). Now that I'm DONE with high-school I guess I should feel a wave of relief, but I really don't. Graduating is kinda weird in a way that no one really prepares you for. Honestly, everyone acts like it's a huge, ceremonial end of a chapter and the start of a new story that you get to write for yourself. But the actual ceremony is just a boring speech while someone slowly reads the names of a large group of people who enrolled in the same school as you, and for some reason you aren't allowed to leave after they call your name and hand you your diploma. After the boring part a couple people who are unqualified to tell a diverse group of people how to live their lives make a bunch of impractical "motivational" suggestions like "follow your dreams" "shape the future" "have no fears" and "nothing is impossible."

I just have to sit in the audience and wonder "what if my dreams are stupid? What if fear keeps me from overreaching and making mistakes? Does unwavering belief that everything I pour my heart into will eventually work better prepare me for successes and failures along the way?"

To me, this all feels less like the end of a chapter and more like the end of a book series and the start of a new, entirely unrelated series with the same lead actor and a completely separate plot.

-Editor note: do books have actors? I'm not sure. I don't read much.-

What I'm saying is I don't know how much being a kid has prepared me for not being a kid. Making great ACT scores via trial and error convinced colleges that I'm mature, but it hasn't actually made me smarter. I'm at a point of convergence between the time when people would ask "what are you going to be when you grow up?" and the point where people ask "what are you?" or "what's your major?" or "what's your pursuit?" I don't know what I want to pursue for lunch, let alone my future career! I know how to describe the feeling: Have you ever had a dream where you show up to work with no pants and you have to decide whether to bolt and get fired or suck it up and clock in? It's like that, but with $30,000 a year riding on your ability to play it off like you have a plan. 

- Well, $30,000 in scholarships, which are essentially glorified college coupons, and financial aid, which is government intervention that serves to make college more expensive for everyone by paying schools to favor the least qualified over the most qualified based partially on racist and classist ideologies. -
Scholarships for Reference

Side tangent aside. I feel grossly unprepared to take on any of life's challenges, and slightly unsure of who I am and who I want to be. Fortunately, I've got a couple of months to figure all that out before the fall.

Not really sure how to end this. I wonder if anyone else feels nervous about escaping the comfortable, laid back world of high-school. Either way, I'm pretty sure everything will work itself out and I'll just pretend whatever random things happen to me were part of the plan all along. 

Also, who the heck is still reading this blog?

- THE Noah